Introducing the MAKING HISTORY video project! Watch. Share. Join in.

Watch. Share. Join in.

To watch the first video in the series, head over to PageTurners by clicking HERE.

And I really hope you’ll join in, and share a piece of your History-in-progress.

If you decide to join in, and share, be sure to send me a link, so I can compile the stories!

11 thoughts on “Introducing the MAKING HISTORY video project! Watch. Share. Join in.

  1. Leigh Caroline says:

    Oooh, that’s a fun idea! Not entirely sure about doing a vlog (I’m far more used to being behind the cameras than in front of them), but we’ll see if I get brave enough to join in. 😛

  2. That is so cool! 😀 Love the concept. 😀 *ponders* Might have to try that…I have a feeling that my histories are not the kind to sit restfully in a crypt somewhere.

  3. This is such an awesome idea! And, you have inspired me. I will definitely participating, though with a little twist. ;]

  4. SO excited to be a part of this 🙂 Library + Morgue = AWESOME!

  5. brennabraaten says:

    This sounds like fun! And because I’m nearly done with THE ARCHIVED sampler, I’m totally going to have to join in. I look forward to the next one.

  6. Lorijo Metz says:

    Hi Victoria, I love your blog and your videos are just plain fun. I haven’t read one of your books yet… but you’re on my list. Can’t wait!

  7. Kelley says:

    Yay, this sounds like so much fun! I love this idea, and I really can’t wait to read The Archived.

  8. […] also spent waaaaaaaaaay too much time on twitter cruising the author tweets. One tweet by Victoria Schwab especially caught my interest. She’s written a book called The Archived about a place where […]

  9. […] My first (mutated) entry in Victoria Schwab‘s Making History project. […]

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