
Whether you want to say hi, have a comment you don’t want to make publicly on the blog, or have a question (please read the FAQ to make sure I haven’t answered it) I’d love to hear from you!

You can email me at : 

If you have questions concerning subrights, please contact my agent, Holly Root at : holly at waxmanleavell dot com

If you have questions concerning publicity, please contact the appropriate publicist:

For Tor: Alexis Saarela:

For Scholastic: Rachel Griffiths:

For Harper/Greenwillow: Gina Rizzo:

Please be patient with me, as 11/12ths of the year I am on deadline and can be a bit slow to respond!

43 thoughts on “Contact!

  1. Ashley says:

    I just finished The Archived and I wanted to say that that was one of the most wonderfully unique books I’ve ever read. I couldn’t put it down. The characters were very well written and believable and I really wish I didn’t have to wait for the sequel! Thanks for giving me a great world to escape to!

  2. bhwrn1 says:

    YAY! Thanks so much! Just sent you an email 🙂

  3. Korrina Ede says:

    Hi there! I am trying to contact your publicist but the email just keeps bouncing back. Do you have a more up to date contact for her? Thank you so much in advance!! 🙂 -Korrina

  4. Dayanara Rosas says:

    Victoria I like your series of everyday angel. I think it’s one of the best series the world! I really wish I could see you in public

  5. Dayanara Rosas says:

    Dear Victoria,
    My name is Dayanara. I have read your book EVERYDAY ANGEL. I have read 1 and2. I wonder when the third one will come. I really like your series. You’re offially on of my favorite authors. I really wish to meet you in real person. Hope to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From your official number one fan, Dayanara

    • veschwab says:

      Hi there, Dayanara!! The this book comes out on December 30th!! That’s only in a couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy!

      • Dayanara Rosas says:

        I am very happy that you took the time to respond to my question. Its hard to believe that someone really famous like you talk to you in the computer. Thank you so much!:)

        From your number one fan forever, Dayanara

  6. Dayanara Rosas says:

    I hope you had a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anna says:

    I was wondering what your home address is. I am writing letters to a lot of authors and I want to write one to you. I know I could just email you but it seems more fun to write letters.

  8. riley hoffman says:

    omg I love your books everyday angel i read all of them i was into the first book my mom ordered second chances and last wishes you write the best books make more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your best reader, riley

  9. Hjarne says:

    I don’t know if you’ll read this, but I just wanted to let you know, that A Darker Shade of Magic is one of the best and most enjoyable books I’ve read in a long time.

    Please, please, keep up the good work!

  10. Alyssa says:

    I have read two of the Everday Angel books and have just started the third and last one. I hope that you will write more books like the Everday Angel character, Aria, that helps people with their problems. These are my most favorite books ever!

  11. Jordyn says:

    I just read a darker shade of magic and I must say wow. I have not been this excited about a next book since maybe harry potter and I want to say thakn you so much cause I just fell inlove with that story and those characters and it was just wow. I’m excited to read more of your work.
    so thank you so much and i wish you the best on your next novel

  12. Sofia Debbaut says:

    Hi! I just wanted to tell your how much i loved the Archived Series. I have read Archived and Unbound and they were wonderful!! Please write the third book i just can’t wait to read it!!!!!!

  13. Jessica says:

    I have students who still write letters the old fashioned way…Do you have an address or c/o address for them?

    • veschwab says:

      Hi there! Letters can be sent to me via my agency:
      Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
      443 Park Ave South, Suite 1004
      New York, NY 10016

  14. julianna says:

    Dear Victoria Schwab,
    I am reading everyday angel and I have some questions:
    1.) Did this happen in your life? if so, how did it feel?
    2.) What inspired you to start writing books?
    Thanks again

  15. soweird666 says:

    First off, I love your books. However, I have a question. Will there be a third book in The Archived series?

  16. Lexi says:

    When are they going to make the Archived series into movies!!! It needs to be done!

  17. I recently published a book and discovered someone had lifted a copy and put it on scribed. I notified scribed last night about the copyright infringement, but decided to also notify some of the other authors, as my time permits. Your book is there. – Best Tonya Knudsen (author of The Duchess Adlai).


  18. Georgia says:

    HI VIctoria! My 12 yo old is doing a project based on your book Everyday Angels. She sent you a list of questions via email. Please respond. Thanks!!!

  19. Avery Mohs says:

    Hi Victoria! I’m just curious if you know when The Returned of the Archived will be released. Please write back if you can, Thanks!

  20. Katy brown says:

    Your books have really inspired me to write my own book. Your such an amazing artist the wolds you creat are truly amazing. Do you have any tips for people who are writing there first book? Have you ever outlined a book and then decided not to right it? What are some ways you brain storm to come up with ideas? Thank you for sharing your stories vicious was amazing truly unique! And the adsom seiries blows my mind I felt like I could really relate to Delilah bard. I have got all my friends to read your book and they have all loved them as well.
    Katy brown

  21. Prabhjot K. says:

    YOUR BOOKS ARE AMAZING, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please keep writing, your books always put a smile on my face and I’ve just simply fallen in love with your magical worlds. A Gathering of Shadows left on such a brilliant cliffhanger and I absolutely cannot wait to read the last in the series, and in the meantime I will be reading every single one of your other published books! You are so amazingly fantastic, thank you for putting your wonderful thoughts and concepts on paper for the world to enjoy. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!

  22. Dear Miss Schwab,
    how are you? I’m sending you this message because my girlfriend is a huge nerd about your books. Seriously, she adores you. She probably has an altar with your profile picture in her room. And since she’ so enamourerd with your novels, I’d like to give her as an anniversary gift your trilogy (A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows and A Conjuring of Light). AAAND my question (finally) is: where should I preorder A Conjuring of Light and have the prize (as in the series wrap)?
    Is Amazon ok?
    Thank you so much for your patience, and for creating such amazing peaces of art. Hope you’re having an amazing week

  23. Gavin Sharp says:

    Dear Victoria Schwab,
    My name is Gavin Sharp. I’ve read your book This Savage Song and I must say it’s by far my favorite book I’ve ever read. August and Kate in a plot that almost suggested you’d have them fall in love which the subtle ways you got out of it made me fall in love with your story. I’m desperately waiting for Our Dark Duet because of the Giant cliffhanger you left us. Alright I could talk about why I love this book for days so I’ll get straight to the point. I had an idea for possibly a book 3 called my final verse were a new sunai is created from the aftermath of an explosion in Colton and a boy the age of 15 appears in the ashes a crow perching on him and the sound of a vibrating piano string filling his ears as August discovers him his marking will be small black crows in flight like a swarm his name Grayson. I just thought it would be interesting to see the full detail of what a sunai is. Thanks for listening to my idea I hope to see your books on shelves soon I’m so buying one I would love to get it signed by you one day.
    Sincerely, Gavin Sharp Age 14

  24. Gavin says:

    Dear Victoria Schwab,
    My name is Gavin Sharp. I’ve read your book This Savage Song and I must say it’s by far my favorite book I’ve ever read. August and Kate in a plot that almost suggested you’d have them fall in love which the subtle ways you got out of it made me fall in love with your story. I’m desperately waiting for Our Dark Duet because of the Giant cliffhanger you left us. Alright I could talk about why I love this book for days so I’ll get straight to the point. I had an idea for possibly a book 3 called my final verse were a new sunai is created from the aftermath of an explosion in Colton and a boy the age of 15 appears in the ashes a crow perching on him and the sound of a vibrating piano string filling his ears as August discovers him his marking will be small black crows in flight like a swarm his name Grayson. I just thought it would be interesting to see the full detail of what a sunai is. Thanks for listening to my idea I hope to see your books on shelves soon I’m so buying one I would love to get it signed by you one day.
    Sincerely, Gavin Sharp Age 14

    • Gavin says:

      Sorry my phone glitched

    • Danika Lindsey says:

      Hello, I am Danika. I completely agree with you, Gavin. When I read Our Dark Duet, I was like Nooooooo. I cried for days after reading that book. Anyways, I like your idea of having another Sunai coming in. It makes your idea sound really interesting.
      Sincerely, Danika Lindsey, age 12.

  25. Ros says:

    Dear Victoria Schwab,

    Many thanks for creating such an incredible trilogy of Kell, Lila, and Rhy’s adventures. While they’re all so amazingly unique, they’re also very relatable. The books we’re a joy to read. I seriously couldn’t put any of them down, (shaking arms-as the volumes were heavy-and work be damned)! And now after devouring the trilogy, I’m compelled to ask if you’ve considered any plans to extend these adventures in future volumes?? If so, please do tell! I would love to interpret the ending as a conclusive cliffhanger 🙂

    Thanks again!

  26. philip Bertram says:

    Dear Victoria,
    I love reading your books.So much their very great!I also want to wish you A Happy 30th Birthday !
    Philip Bertram

  27. H.J Dong says:

    I sent an email to you
    please check my email:)
    I love your book anyway!! Love you:)

  28. Cathy says:

    I love your ADSOM series. I’ve read the books twice. I was extremely excited to read that you are writing another series in that world. What is the anticipated publishing date for the first book of the Threads of Power series?

  29. Danika Lindsey says:

    Hi, I am Danika. I am a 7th grader. I am loving all your books! I have read basically every book of yours and I am now reading a Gathering of Shadows. I am literally freaking out! I’m like what will happen next and OMG did that just happen!? Keep creating your awesome books.

  30. Judy says:

    I just read City of Ghosts and am hoping that this is the first book of a series!

  31. Finn L says:

    I just finished Vengeful. Besides that I have read Vicious and A Darker Shade of Magic. Thank you so much. Already, you are my favorite writer. For school I am doing an intertextual analysis based on death with Vicious,Vengeful, and Tuck Everlasting. Again, thank you for inspiring me and making books that I just couldn’t put down. P.S. my mom is borrowing my copy of Vicious and she also loves it. Keep up the good work👍.

  32. Richard Graber says:

    Good morning.

    Wanna know how to double your stimulus check?
    Go to this website and they will explain you everything how to double it!

    Richard Graber

    “Sent from my Samsung phone”

  33. Karen Hight says:

    Hello, I just finished reading Addie & loved it. Our daughter, Mary, died in August. The themes in Addie could not be more appropriate in my current heartbroken state. Was Mary’s tumultuous life worth the unbearable pain of years of sorrow & fear, only to lose her? My memory is so bad, and has been all my life, what if the day comes when I cannot remember her? What is the purpose of love when it leaves you shattered? How can I go on without her? Where is she now?

    Mary suffered from a complex mental illness. She was extraordinary; beautiful inside & out, strong, compassionate, determined, and terribly broken. Her story is incredible & should be told. The mental health system contributed to her death. Covid was also a factor, though she will not be counted as a casualty.

    I’ve considered many times writing about our experiences, telling the story of Mary’s life. Having read Addie, I want this more than ever. Perhaps you’d be interested in hearing more about her life & our experiences, if so, I’d be willing to talk with you or someone on your staff. Mary’s story could help a lot of people & potentially shed light on ways in which the mental health system could be improved. The most terrifying monsters live within our minds. The rich layers of Mary’s story are beautiful & tragic. I’m just not sure how to begin such a task in the midst of my hectic life & current grieving state. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Books are a way to leave a mark that transcends any other, even art or music. Thank you for writing about the pain of love & loss. Thank you for creating Addie’s story. It’s perfect.

  34. mariah O says:

    hi, i’m not sure if you have other books on the every day angle series, i’m starting to read the 3rd book and wondering if you could make one where Aria goes back to the different people she has helped? Also I get it if you decide not to, however personally i think it would be a great idea. sorry if you don’t like requests personally I don’t really like doing them. I hope you have a great day!

  35. Mikenna says:

    What do I have to do for you to write a sequal to the invisible life of addie larue. I know you said that you want the reader to interpret it as they want to but I am a writer and a reader and I don’t agree with that. I don’t like to guess how things turn out, I want to know. I’m sure most of your readers think the same way. The Invisible life of addie larue is one of the best books ever and I am begging you, please write another one! If I have to start a petition I will lol

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