Children’s: Young Adult

Author of THE NEAR WITCH Victoria Schwab’s THE ARCHIVED, about a teenage girl who must return the restless, ghost-like Histories of the dead to their rightful place in a labyrinthine supernatural library known as the Archive; when more Histories begin to wake and escape, she must stop the doors between the worlds of the living and dead from breaking open, all without falling victim to a beguiling History who is more human – and more disarmingly attractive – than the others, to Abby Ranger at Disney-Hyperion, by Holly Root at Waxman Literary Agency (World English).



So, remember that epic Branson trip?

Well, if I weren’t frazzled enough by the presence of so many AMAZING writers in one place, I was also on submission to my incredible editor at Disney*Hyperion.

In fact, I was supposed to hear before I left. But circumstances (such as evil winter weather) kept delaying things, and before I knew it I was bundled on a couch beneath a severed moose head, drinking my weight in gin and tonics and staring at my cell phone.

In fact, as the days wore on, I considered making a drinking game of it. Every time a fellow writer walked past my huddled form and asked if I’d heard, I would take a shot. I settled instead of keeping a drink in hand at all times.

And then! On the very last day…I got the call.

I can’t tell you how cool it was to be able to celebrate with 23 other authors. To squee with agentmate and crit partner (who put up with SO much of my angst) Myra, to get a celebratory hug from Tessa, or a toast from Carrie, or a congrats from any and all of the amazing authors on that trip.

And then I had to keep it quiet!!! Which was HARD. Especially because a good portion of my NYC trip–certainly one of the most exciting portions–involved meetings and brainstorming sessions and coffee dates and cocktails with Holly and Abby in which we discussed SPECIALSAUCE and all that we dreamed it could be.


Children’s: Young Adult

Author of THE NEAR WITCH Victoria Schwab’s THE ARCHIVED, about a teenage girl who must return the restless, ghost-like Histories of the dead to their rightful place in a labyrinthine supernatural library known as the Archive; when more Histories begin to wake and escape, she must stop the doors between the worlds of the living and dead from breaking open, all without falling victim to a beguiling History who is more human – and more disarmingly attractive – than the others, to Abby Ranger at Disney-Hyperion, by Holly Root at Waxman Literary Agency (World English).

Thank you, Agent Holly, for putting up with so much crazy in such a short period of time, and for trying to keep me calm through it all. And, of course, for being a death kitten.

Thank you, Editor Abby, for introducing me to City Bakery peanut butter cookies and then spending two hours with me talking through plot, character, motive, dead kids in drawers, psychology, existential crises, mortality statistics, and the general epicness of librarians. Your excitement for this project feeds and fuels my own.

Thank you Myra, Branson crew, Team Sparkle, and the YARebels for cheering with me privately, and thank you bloggers, authors, and online friends for being epically awesome. I cannot wait to continue my journey in such great company.


  1. Cynthia says:

    Omg!!! Congrats on the awesome news!!! 😀

  2. Ahhhh! That book really does sound like SPECIALSAUCE! You are so brilliantly creative! Congratulations! And that is the most epic plan for celebrating ever =D

  3. Julia Karr says:

    OMG! See what happens when you get there late and leave early? I had no idea all this was going on in Branson!!!
    Go you! Super Huge Congratulations! And tea! YAY!!!

  4. Lauren M says:

    Eeeee! Congratulations!! *throws confetti all over the place* I’m so excited for you (and for the new book–omg it sounds amazing)!

  5. Victoria! THE ARCHIVED sounds amazing! Congratulations! I can’t imagine how it was to have to sit on this so long. You must’ve been bouncing like a Gummi Bear.

  6. Serena says:

    Congratulations! You must have been DYING to say something, I’m amazed at your patience. Best of luck! Can’t wait to read it 🙂

  7. Becky B. says:

    Congrats, the book sounds awesome.
    Anything about a supernatural library = you already have my undivided attention and probably the attention of anybody else that has ever worked or currently works in a library. 🙂

  8. Bree Despain says:

    Congratulations! It sounds incredibly fascinating. Can’t wait to read!!

  9. Jodi Meadows says:


  10. Claire says:

    Yay and YAY and CONGRATS! 😀 I’m already so excited to read THE NEAR WITCH, and now add THE ARCHIVED on top of that, and GAH. It will be so difficult to wait! I mean, seriously. A dangerous, supernatural library?? COUNT ME IN. 😀

  11. Mundie Moms says:

    That is SO AWESOME!! Congratulations!

  12. Andye says:

    I just love you! You make me smile! 😀

    Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! I’m so happy for you! And so jealous about all the Harry Potter goodness because I am a ridiculous, cultish, fan of HP!



  13. lola sharp says:

    Yay!!!!! *pops cork* *pours bubbly* CHEERS! *clink*

  14. Nikki says:

    SPECIALSAUCE unveiled makes me squee with excitement. Enjoy Edinburgh and that sweet suite 😀

  15. Hooray – this news is truly SPECIAL!!
    *puts band-aid on my tongue – it’s nearly bitten in two from keeping this hushhhhhed*

  16. More dead people, please. and thank you!

    Congrats, Victoria!!!

  17. Shari Green says:

    Congratulations!! It sounds awesome! 😀

  18. Patricia says:

    Totally spazzing out with (and for) you!!! SPECIALSAUCE sounds incredible!

    Also that room is insane! I would totally be trying to hide in it tomorrow to stay for an extra day! 🙂

  19. Chloe says:

    CONGRATS! And the book sounds AWESOME. Can’t wait to read it!! 🙂

  20. Shelby says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Squee!!!! I’m so excited to read it when it comes out!

    And btw, I think you’re in the perfect suite/hotel/city for celebrating in… 😛

  21. Debra D. says:

    YAY–so exciting! And your book definitely sounds like SPECIALSAUCE!!! =D

  22. Akoss says:

    Loads of congratulations to you!!!!

  23. EEE!!! CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS! 😀 😀 😀 *throws confetti and dances wildly*

  24. Anna says:

    I am so beyond happy for you and I honestly don’t think such great news could be more well deserved by any other individual! Congrats Victoria!

  25. Michelle says:

    Yay!! Congrats!!!

    And the vlog was super cute! 🙂

  26. Leigh says:

    Huzzah!! You are a rock star!! ***giant hugs***

  27. WOO HOO! Congrats!!!

  28. Pam says:

    OMG you know I so need this right?

  29. Petra says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to find out more about it and read The Near Witch.

    Have fun in Edinburgh and happy reading 🙂

  30. robin bridges says:

    How cool! Congratulations!

  31. Linda G. says:

    Super-Congrats, V! That is just awesome. 🙂

  32. How exciting!! Sounds intriguing, and I can’t wait to read it. Congratulations!

  33. John says:

    Congratulations 😀 😀 😀

    John (Scotland)

  34. Sara says:

    Amazing news! Congratulations!!! And I love Edinburgh… gorgeous, awesome city.

  35. Awww, I remember the look of relief on your face when you got the call! It was so exciting to be there when this happened. Congratulations again! The Archived sounds amazing. I can’t wait to read it (and The Near Witch).


  36. Danielle says:


  37. P.S. I just watched your video–go to the Chinese Buffet on Nicholson Street–its the REAL place where she wrote Harry Potter–not the Elephant House–they are just the owners of the old cafe, but its not the real spot. Seriously make sure you go to the real place–its a second level, slightly hidden away and if I remember correctly over a shop with lots of India inspired gifts and clothing. You can FEEL the creative energy there.

    Going to the “real” place was my mission in Edinburgh. Ok, Congrats! Enjoy Edinburgh–its one of my fave cities!

  38. juanvillagrana says:

    Congrats! *sigh* I can only imagine what landing a book deal feels like haha. THE ARCHIVED sounds very fresh and interesting. It’s definitely going down in my to-read pile.
    Still can’t wait for THE NEAR WITCH to come out!

  39. YAAAY! So glad it’s finally public. I’m excited all over again. Freddy the Moose would be proud. If he weren’t a severed head, I mean.

  40. Allie says:

    Congratulations on your wonderful news. Your synopsis sounds so intriguing!

  41. PatEsden says:

    Congratulations! It sounds like a wonderful story. YAY!!

  42. Elizabeth says:

    V!!! CONGRATS!!!!! This is so awesome!! I can’t wait to read, it sounds AMAZING!!!

  43. Jen Chandler says:

    Special sauce is right!!! Congratulations! Seriously. This is awesome news 😀 And the story sounds FABULOUS!!

  44. Danya says:

    Major congratulations!!! The Archived sounds fantastic, love the premise of involving a library and histories like that. Already put it on my tbr list! 😀

  45. Erica says:

    Congrats! That is so super exciting!!! I can’t wait to read it – as it sounds super fabulous!!!

  46. Bonnie says:

    Congratulations!!! This one sounds fantastic and unique as well. I’m so glad I get to watch you go through this crazy process! *roots for you*

  47. Daisy says:

    Yay! Congratulations! The Archives sounds really, REALLY good 🙂
    Oh, and I’ve been doing happy dances because I got accepted to review The Near Witch on NetGalley! 🙂 I’m so excited to be reading it soon!

  48. Emy Shin says:

    Huge, huge congratulations! It sounds really interesting, and I can’t wait to read it soon!

  49. Mia says:

    I can’t wait to read this book. I love stuff like this. It sounds amazing!

  50. Dawn says:

    YAY! Public congratulations at last!!! *toasts to you*

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