You can click on any of the images above or the link below to go over to the Mundie Moms and see the cover that has completely stolen my heart and soul and rendered me a blob of giggle and squee on the floor. But then you have to COME BACK because I have a GIVEAWAY for you.

Okay, go see!!!


Are you back??


*deep breaths*


Onto the shiny giveaway thing!

What is it, you ask?


It’s a KEY.

But it’s no ordinary key. You see, in Mackenzie Bishop’s world, keys don’t just mean the difference between locked and unlocked, captured and free. They can mean life or death. Keys matter a great deal.

And in keeping with that, as we get closer to release, I’m going to be giving away keys.

The keys are redeemable; there are different kinds and sizes, and they are worth different things, some as small as swag, some much bigger. The bigger the key, the better the prize. To give you an idea, the last key I’ll give away, right before release, is redeemable for a signed, finished copy of each of my books…for life.

(Incidentally, the first five people to come see me sign at BEA will get small silver keys, each redeemable for a complete Archived swag pack.)

But today, I’m giving away the very first of the big keys.

This antique French key is redeemable for ONE of the following:

A. a Skype visit for your school, library, class, or book club, including three signed books!

B. a cupcake date for you and a friend, my treat (you can either come to my city, or wait for me to sign in yours)!

C. A signed narwhal plush, and a personal vlog-o-gram (designed for the shy among us)!

And the key will NEVER EXPIRE. You can redeem your prize whenever you like. Or you can hold onto the key and see if I one day go all Suzanne Collins or something, and then cash in ;p


Simple. So, so simple.

As you can see in the form, you get entries for tweets, fb posts, blog posts, and pretty much EVERY OTHER WAY you can think of to spread the cover love! This giveaway will last until NOON EST on Friday, and the winner will be announced that afternoon along with a behind-the-scenes look at the cover shoot!

In summation: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Lisa says:

    So exciting!!!!!

  2. Ellie says:

    Omgg it’s so shiny and gorgeous and asdfghjkl!!!111!
    I will now go and do everything so I can tick off everything in that list~

  3. The cover is beautiful and the book sounds amazing! I can’t wait!!!! You are the awesome!!!

  4. YAY! It’s very cool and I’m even more excited for it!
    Also, I love keys.

  5. This cover is drop-dead-gorgeous! It’s going to sound crazy but blue is my favourite colour, I have a thing for keys (I have so many, as necklaces, ear rings & bracelets) and I love that half the girl’s head is smoke – kinda represents “VergƤnglichkeit” to me (that’s German and means something along the lines of all things being temporary and easily lost).
    The cover is gorgeous! šŸ™‚

    • veschwab says:

      Blue is my favorite, too!! AND I love keys, so I totally swooned. Also, this is officially my new favorite word. It pretty much sums up this book.

  6. Daisy says:

    It’s SO GORGEOUS!!! Congrats! You seem to have really good luck with the people working on your covers, I’m also very much in love with the cover of the Near Witch šŸ™‚

  7. Pamela says:

    WOO it’s finally here!!!! I’m so excited for this book!! Congrats on the cover reveal!!

  8. jessicacorra says:

    :FLAIL: Love the smoky blue and the key especially. (I adore keys. I want one on a necklace!) I’m as excited for this book as when you first mentioned it. Gah! YAY!!!!

  9. Britta says:

    I really like this one! I blogged about it, so you can check that out, but I basically said that I love how it is so different than anything else and how the keys are incorporated (since you said they were such a big deal).

    • veschwab says:

      My favorite thing about it is how different it is from the other covers out there right now!! I think it’s bold and strange and eye-catching and it makes my heart happy.

  10. Mandee J says:

    Beautiful cover! OMG! Totally brilliant with the smoke and Mac’s face and I just cannot wait! *almost passes out-eats chocolate instead*
    YAY YOU!!

  11. Britt says:

    WOWOWOWOWOW! ^_^ Such a FANTASTIC cover! Can’t wait ā¤

  12. Stephanie Allen says:

    THE COVER! *pets cover*

    Needless to say, I love it.

  13. Gorgeous cover! Thanks for the giveaway šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

  14. Dana Bartelt says:

    I’m kind of dying of excitement now!

  15. Sweet cover! I love it! šŸ˜€

  16. OMG i LOVE it! *looks longingly at screen* can’t wait to read the story that goes with the awesome cover : )

  17. Kayla B. says:

    It’s unlike anything I’ve seen yet!

    • veschwab says:

      That is so much of why I love it so, to be honest. I love that it’s DIFFERENT and BOLD and MEMORABLE. No skinny and/or dead girls in dresses on this one :p

      • Kayla B. says:

        I know, right?! Some of those poor lollipop ladies should be on the icanhazcheezburger site instead of the lolcats!

        On a side note, who is the designer and artist? Did you send them cookies? šŸ™‚

  18. Leigh Caroline says:

    Now see, this is why waiting is TORTURE. Because now I want to read this, like… now. XD Wonderful cover!

  19. JennyC says:

    The cover is sooooo pretty!!!! and the key idea is awesome!…i hope i get a key lol:) Can’t wait to read the book!!!!!!!!!

  20. Victoria, it’s beautiful. Just like the author šŸ˜‰ NOW WHY CAN’T 2013 GET HERE SOONER?! Also, it turns out I’m going to be missing your signing at BEA; the powers that be are deeming that I only attend on Wednesday. I’m hoping that I bump into you anyway! ā¤

    • veschwab says:

      Awwww, you’re so sweet. And I’m so bummed our paths won’t cross on Thursday, but look for me on Wednesday. I’ll be the one with red hair, a crazed look, and a plush narwhal :p

  21. Megan says:

    Oh my goodness this cover is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  22. Maia says:

    Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! *jumping up and down* This looks so cool!

  23. Shelver506 says:

    I LOVE this idea! I love keys, and the fact that they tie into the book AND are redeemable for cool stuff is… brilliant.

  24. Sonia says:


    Plus, the SUMMARY! I love ā¤ It sounds so haunting and mysterious and totally different from anything I've ever read. I cannot WAIT! šŸ˜€

    Congratulations and thank you so much for the super fun giveaway! Hopefully my "other" counts, haha.

  25. Tracy Kyle says:

    Such a beautiful cover! And I really love the whole thing.

  26. Chloe P. says:

    So, SO lovely!! And the summary sounds wonderful. I’m so looking forward to reading this!

  27. Sophie says:

    Oooooh, the pretty!
    I’m half-German, and the first word that came to my mind, too, was VergƤnglichkeit! Amazing! So looking forward to this book!

  28. Jill Kaplan says:

    Itā€™s SO pretty! Congrats on the awesome cover. I hope youā€™ll be at ALA!

    • veschwab says:

      Thanks so much, Jill!! And thanks for the photo of the epic cookie!!! Alas, I won’t be at ALA this year (a little too early for ARCs) but I hope you have an amazing time!!

  29. Erin says:

    I absolutely LOVE the cover!! Can’t wait to read it!

  30. Love the cover! Also, how amazing is this giveaway??? It has to be the coolest way to giveaway things (plus pretty keys!) ever. I already knew you were brilliant (hello, THE NEAR WITCH) but this just made my day. ^_^

    • veschwab says:

      Ahhh, I am so happy you love!! And awww, I have loved collecting the keys, so I’m stoked to be giving the first one away! <33

  31. Silent Pages says:

    Gorgeous. Both the cover, AND the keys! Does ‘redeeming’ mean we have to send them back? XD

    Also, I hadn’t read a summary for THE ARCHIVED before, but it sounds really interesting! Can’t wait to read it. ^^

  32. Morgan Wylie says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! It’s Fantastic!! Congrats and I can’t wait to read it!! I have a thing for keys, what a great idea for a giveaway šŸ˜‰

  33. kayla keefer says:

    The cover is so pretty cannot wait to read it loved the near witch!!!!

  34. Justine says:

    Wow, look at all of those keys! I’ll be reading your book to find out exactly how keys tie into the plot.

  35. Keisha says:

    Congrats, the cover is unique and your right I haven’t seen a cover like this either, wishing you all the best.

    • veschwab says:

      Thanks, Keisha!! I firmly believe that unique is the best thing a cover can be, because different is recognizable šŸ™‚

  36. Pica says:

    Oh my gosh, what a wonderful, wonderful cover. And this makes me so excited for everything – for the book, and the giveaway, and maybe you might even come speak near where I live, and all the happiness. And the keys are such a great idea!

  37. Vivien says:

    I’m just in love!!! I Need to know more about what’s inside šŸ˜€ The key is very intriguing.

  38. Rina says:

    YAAAAAY I cannot wait to read it and it’s a FANTASTIC cover! one of the best i’ve seen in a while. :3

  39. lilli says:

    This cover is wonderful! And your giveaway is very cool–thank you especially for doing this today–it’s been a VERY bad and sad week, and reading books help me deal with the sad, for brief moments. Thank you and congratulations on what sounds like a fantastic book! I can’t wait to read it!

    • veschwab says:

      Aw, I’m so, so sorry to hear you’re having a rough time right now. I’m happy that I could do anything to brighten your day, or at least distract from the sad.

  40. Krista says:

    The cover is gorgeous! I am so excited to read this new series.I love the key idea. Hopefully I’ll be lucky enough to get one! *crosses fingers*

  41. Congrats! The book sounds fantastic. Love the concept.

  42. Congrats! Love the cover and the book sounds amazing. Interesting and unique giveaways šŸ™‚

  43. Tracy says:

    GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I cannot WAIT to read this book!!

  44. Becky B. says:

    What a beautiful cover, I’m really looking forward to reading this book. šŸ™‚

  45. It looks spectacular. I cannot wait to read it.

  46. It’s a really cool and unique cover! And the key idea is unique tooooo!

  47. […] (And while I’d adore if I can get my grubby paws on one of her arcs of the Archived, because have you SEEN the cover on that yet? WANTS!, she’s not planning on having a stack there, so I doubt this is […]

  48. Llehn says:

    So, so lovely!

  49. Rachel says:

    Oh, how beautiful! It’s so clever and unique. I can’t wait to read the book! *begins springing up and down around the room in excitement*

  50. bn100 says:

    That looks great.

  51. Veronika BriseƱo says:

    I loved the cover can wait to rea. and of course I enter the contest i haed enter every contes you do. thanks.

  52. Ana says:

    Cover is amazing!! And I love the idea for the keys giveaway! So unique and fun. šŸ™‚ Thanks for writing this book and for the giveaway!!

  53. Ryan says:

    I can’t wait! I’ve been excited about this book ever since I finished reading TNW.

  54. JP says:

    I already told you this, but I love it lots. It’s gorgeous and unique and it stands out. ā¤

  55. Travis says:


  56. I actually don’t have words for how excited I am for this book. I was excited when you first announced the general premise, but now with a stunning cover and THAT SYNOPSIS OMG I’m trembling with anticipation like an overeager puppy.

  57. A Lockwood says:

    Wow, those are some seriously cool prizes! You are truly impressing me more and more by the day.

  58. I think this key idea is the best thing I’ve ever heard of!

  59. Megan says:

    I can’t wait for this book! And I think the key idea is brilliant! (Also, I love old -looking keys.)

  60. SQUEEE!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on this lovely. But what an awesome contest idea–a library skype visit? Oh how I love and adore you even more, V. Though I’m sorely tempted by a cupcake date as well. I’ll be waiting RIGHT HERE until the book’s release… *settles down with tea & biscuits*

  61. […] The first one is from Victoria Schwab. The Archived. Doesn’t that look amazing you guys!!!! Its beautiful and mysterious all at the same time! The book isn’t released until 2013 but I am so excited to read it when it comes out! Victoria is such a talented writer and I know this book will be amazing! Victoria Schwab Website […]

  62. Pao Mtz Parente says:


  63. evening-green says:

    I like how the cover turned out and the keys are a lovely idea

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